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Spine Information

The spine is a stack of 33 vertebrae bones held tightly together by ligaments forming a strong, flexible support column. The spine is the junction point where the energy of the brain is transferred to each of the individual organ systems. The spine acts as a circuit breaker which connects the body together. These vertebrae are held into position by muscles that counter-rotate with movement.


A muscle weakness can cause the connecting vertebrae to slip out of position, causing a misalignment in the area. This misalignment can cause irritation and pressure on the nerves which in turn could interrupt the transmission of energy to the corresponding organ system, causing dysfunction in that specific area

The spine moves with every breath. When there is a misalignment of the spine, the cerebro-spinal fluid flowing from the skull becomes restricted, which in turn disturbs the functions of the entire body.

The spine is always told to slip out of place. This misalignment can be caused by weak muscles from poor posture or physical injury.

The vertebrae may rotate and stick out of position in either direction.

The spine is divided into five sections. The cervical area consists of 7 vertebrae to form the neck and support the skull. The 12 thoracic vertebrae, together with the ribs, form the chest. The lumbar area consists of 5 vertebrae to form the lower back. The sacrum consists of five vertebrae segments formed into one triangular bone.


The sacrum adds strength to the pelvic area, which is subject to more stress than any other structure in the body. The bottom four vertebrae form the coccyx or tailbone.

Three curves develop in the spine which gives it strength and flexibility. These curves together with the cushion of the disc pads between the vertebrae protect the spinal column by absorbing shock.

Spinal Body Connections
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