This is the most common problem on the planet.
When the stomach pops up into the hiatus of the diaphragm muscle, the flow of hydrochloric acid is restricted and diverted, which causes an excess amount of calcium in the body. This imbalance of Ph results in an overabundance of calcium. This accumulated excess must be removed from the bloodstream so it is deposited in the joints of the bones, causing mobility problems.
When the stomach is popped up it has a tendency to lay up against the heart causing it to lose rhythm and beat irregularly. This situation is the great mimic because it can express symptoms anywhere there is blood.
Main causes are overeating, eating the wrong kinds of food, drinking too much alcohol, emotional stress, improper posture, and wearing tight pants. Holding of breath or habitual shallow breathing weakens the diaphram muscle that helps to hold the stomach down in its proper position.
When this condition is persistent, eating less per sitting (no second helpings) and walking for a few minutes after eating helps considerably. Sleep with the upper part of the body raised slightly. Do not bend over after eating. Sleeping on right side and proper posture (no slouching) helps.
Ingestion of small amounts (1-2 teaspoons daily) of apple cider vinegar, use non-distilled only, a high source of potassium will help balance the Ph.
Associated Conditions
Bad Breath
Tartar or plaque on teeth
Morning sickness
Nausea. Indigestion
Inability to digest food
Pain down both arms
Chest pain
Discomfort after eating
Acid taste
Burning sensation under sternum or in throat
Skin problems (rashes are an alkaline condition)
Most food allergies
Baby crying a lot
Spitting up
Bone spurs
Tooth decay
Inflammation of the joints
Low blood fuel
Runny stool
Drinking alcohol
Over reacting
Heart problems
Pale face
Technique for Correction
To Self Adjust
Standing works best. May also be done sitting or kneeling. Bend forward slightly while exhaling. Push in and downward at the bottom of the rib cage. Repeat three times. Stimulate reflex vigorously with knuckles or fingertips for 10 seconds. After the adjustment, if the stomach is not full, drink a glass of water to give the stomach some weight to help it stay down. The stomach is hard to adjust on yourself, so stick with it.
To Adjust Another Person
Have student lie on back. Place both hands centered at the bottom of the rib cage. Instruct student to inhale. Gently and firmly push down to floor and towards feet in a "J" motion while student is exhaling. Enter slowly. Keep fingers from sliding on the skin but rather move the skin itself. Do not place the hands in the inverted "V" of the rib cage to be effective. Repeat three times. Use index finger and thumb to push down on small children.
Massage reflex area vigorously with knuckles or fingertips for 10 seconds.
This adjustment may be done as often as necessary.
It is important to sit straight , not overeat (no second helpings) and practice proper deep breathing. The drinking of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (not distilled) mixed with apple juice or a spoon of honey mixed with water twice daily will help restore potassium levels. Blackstrap molasses is also an excellent source of potassium.
When the stomach pops up, the body sends out a vibration that attracts sympathy on a subconscious level. Sympathy is the capacity of feeling other's pain – whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other – so all involved are at dis-ease. With no boundaries, we cannot screen outside influences, so there is a tendency of others to tell us their problems. We feel sorry or sad for them and/or ourselves. This dumping is absorbed by the body, draining our energy even more. It is important to establish personal boundaries. One of the first dis-eases of the dysfunctional family is the individual's digestive tract also becomes dysfunctional. When the stomach is kept in its proper position these tendencies will disappear. Then we will be able to establish boundaries allowing us to separate from the unnecessary. Life will then quickly change for the better.
What to expect when the stomach is in the proper position
More energy
Better breathing
Satisfaction after eating
More food choices
Clear skin and rosy cheeks
Allergy and arthritic relief
Improved digestion
Clearer thinking
Establishment of boundaries