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The Pelvis

The Pelvis, the largest bone in the body, is the foundation of our structure. This bone is held static by muscles. When one of these muscles becomes weak for any reason, injury, poor sitting or lifting habits, the weight of pregnancy the hips will tip. When this happens the red chakra becomes obstructed and the body is not able to receive this basic life force energy from the Earth, so one becomes ungrounded.


The hips are the axis of the body. they can rotate posterior (back), it causes one leg to look shorter. When rotated anterior (forward), it will cause one leg to look longer, giving the appearance of the legs being a different length. When the pelvis rocks out of balance it can also involve the sciatic nerve.


The pelvis requires 80% to retain balance. This area is the most difficult structural part of the body to maintain. The most common involvement is when the pelvis rotates back on the right. This imbalance will also cause the spine to become out of alignment if not corrected.


This rotation of the pelvis twists the large intestine, causing waste removal to become impeded. The kidneys, small intestine, bladder, gall bladder, stomach, spleen/pancreas, circulation-sex and thyroid systems will also be affected. When the pelvis has rotated out of position, then energy of the red chakra is diminished.


This balancing technique is one of the most profound adjustments that can be done to the human body and will help strengthen 90% of the organs.


The hip bones correspond with the mastoids, these are the large bumps behind the ears. If the hips are out of position the mastoids will rock the same way.


When the hips go out of place this will encourage the other bones especially the bones of the leg and the spine to go out of alignment.


If there are any vertebra misaligned then correct the vertebra first before adjusting the hips because with vertebra out the spine cannot lay flat and the hip adjustment will not be as effective.


The muscles that hold the pelvis in place are the Psoas muscles.


Associated Conditions


One leg appearing longer then the other or shorter, Curved spine, Sciatic nerve pain down the leg, lower back pain, bladder problems, uneven hips, sexual numbness, painful intercourse, irregular or painful menses, inability to conceive, Prostate problems, Difficult childbirth, Main cause for cesarean section. standing on one leg, crossing legs while sitting or standing. Loss of 2-3 inches in height, Pain in thigh and lower groin, related to neck ache, knock knees, deformed feet, varicose veins, Pigeon toed. Numbness or tingling in the legs, Hemorrhoids, Incontinence, Inability to stand straight, bent forward look, slouching




check to see if any vertebra are out and fix first before adjusting hips


Lay flat on solid surface, place first wedge at the top of the hip bone that is rocked back. line up 2nd wedge to the bottom of the first wedge and place on the other side of the body on the opposite hip. block high on the indicated side. Remain on wedges for no longer then ten minutes.


after the wedges are out walk for a short distance. if there are no hip blocks available use firmly rolled towels 3-4 inches in diameter placed about 4-5 inches under the hips.


Wedges are 4x4 rough cut, 8 inches long cut diagonally.

Hip Block Placement for Pelvis

Hip Block Placement for Pelvis

Hip Block Placement for Pelvis
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Grab Our Hip Blocks

Minckler Energy Balancing Hip Blocks

Hip Block Description


Our Hip blocks are available in many different colors including, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, turquoise, pink, and purple.


There are many different colors of straps available and this customization of the blocks allows for a wonderful diverse selection to choose from.


The blocks are available in two different sizes including adult and child/small adult. The adult blocks are rough cut 8 inches and the child or small adult blocks are rough cut 7 inches.


Every block is carefully inspected to ensure integrity and quality. The process to turn a log into a set of completed hip blocks takes hours of effort and time. They are each carefully hand crafted and made one block at a time. There will be minor variations in each block due to being hand crafted.


Every effort is made to ensure quality. The colors and availability will depend on supplies. If a color is out of stock the order will be filled as soon as the material becomes available. Every order will be filled as soon as possible but we ask for your patience as they are all hand made.


Happy Balancing

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