Blood/Fuel Level
One of the very most important aspects of a healthy life is a properly maintained glucose/fuel level in the bloodstream. This is required for smooth flight. The glucose/fuel level in the blood is maintained by the body through the conversion of everything eaten (with the exception of protein) into glucose for utilization by the cells. The brain can use only the glucose/fuel in our blood for energy. The brain accounts for about 2½ percent of our body weight while it uses one-fourth of all the glucose/fuel available to the body. Normally our bloodstream can carry enough glucose/fuel for about 3 to 4 hours. When the glucose/fuel

supplies are depleted, the brain cannot switch over to fat or other fuels. Any interruption to this steady supply of fuel in the blood results in an immediate mental impairment of brain functions. The first associated condition experienced is the loss of emotional control. Food intake must be constant, requirements depend on activities. When the fuel content in the bloodstream is kept at a correct level, the desire for food is reduced and the number of events which can bother us on an emotional or mental level is decreased considerably.
Feelings of hunger is a way the body tells us that something is in short supply on a physical, emotional or mental level. Diets are to loose weight. In such situations, the hunger feeling is neglected. After repeated attempts at dieting, this disassociation becomes habit and the4 individual will not be aware their fuel level is low.
An eating program must be designed to maintain a constant level of fuel in the bloodstream. This schedule will allow the blood fuel to normalize. In the beginning, there may be some reduction in energy while the body is adjusting to operating on an even level again. This decrease will rapidly reverse itself once the schedule is maintained. Also, at first some weight may be gained; most people will lose this excess with regulation.
Since the blood fuel levels tend to fluctuate very quickly, we must not eat large quantities at any one time. It becomes necessary to eat smaller amounts more frequently – grazing all day long. It is important to adhere to a strict eating schedule. The key is to not eat alot at one time, but to eat small amounts often. It is imperative to ingest foods of the proper type as often as necessary to maintain the required fuel level or the program will not work. It is in your best interest to continue with the program, once you start.
This timetable is of paramount importance and in the beginning will require some innovation and ingenuity:

Associated Conditions
General Muscle weakness
Headaches (especially between 9 and 11 a.m. or p.m.)
Body injuries
Ileo-cecal valve involement
Lack of interest
Inability to focus
Poor or blurred vision
Most excessive emotional experiences
Most "accidents" or injuries will happen when the blood/fuel level in the body is low