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Anterior Dorsal

An Anterior Dorsal is a fixation of the thoracic section of the upper middle spine. This spinal misalignment will have a tendency to flatten the middle curve of the spine. This condition will seriously compromise the body’s ability to function properly. When the thoracic vertebrae curve inward, the upper part of the rib cage tilts back and the lower part of the rib cage moves forward.


This condition will greatly restrict breathing, causing the lungs  to shrink. This can be one of the main causes of shallow breathing and asthma type conditions. This will result in a muscle build up in the lungs and they will not be able to exhaust moisture completely resulting in the “common cold” and sinus congestion. This condition can restrict breathing by approximately ten percent.


This misalignment will eventually cause blood fuel problems which can result in a diabetic condition because of the Latisimus Dorsi muscle, located in the middle back is connected to the Spleen/Pancreas circuit.


The sympathetic nervous system runs along the outside of the thoracic spine area. It becomes excited when the thoracic area is not properly aligned. This causes the body to become “accelerated”, even while sleeping. This misalignment will keep the body in a light and shallow, dreamless Beta state, causing the inability to fall asleep or go into the deep Alpha dream state. Alpha state is an important level of sleep which allows the body to rest, repair and heal itself. When the body sleeps at the shallow Beta level, it is easily awakened, and after a night's sleep, will wake up tired and not feeling rested.


An Anterior Dorsal will also greatly affect the K-27 energy points (see Book, page 23). These points are in an important organizer of energy flow throughout the body.


With an Anterior Dorsal, the area most affected is usually between T-4 and T-6, although the range can be from T-2 to T-8. This misalignment is usually located between the shoulder blades. When T-8 is involved, blood fuel problems will appear. There can be more than one flattened area in the thoracic vertebrae section.


With this condition, the shock absorbing ability of the spine is gone. Sneezing can create an Anterior Dorsal. It is important to always bend both knees when sneezing to release the energy created. This action will cause this energy to be released through the knees instead of the thoracic area.


Approximately fifty percent of the Anterior Dorsal misalignment happens at birth. The result of a difficult or long birthing process, caused by the Mother’s pelvis being rotated. When this happens, the birth canal becomes twisted. This can cause the baby to be born breech and will most certainly create an Anterior Dorsal in the newborn child. This situation will set them up for a lifetime of addiction to sugar, alcohol and other hard drugs if not corrected. This condition is very common among children and young adults.



1.Test strong reference muscle.

2.When muscle remains locked, an Anterior Dorsal is not present. The thoracic area is in alignment.

3.When the muscle unlocks, an Anterior Dorsal is present.




It is important that the pelvis be in alignment (see Book I, pages 55 and 56) before correcting the Anterior Dorsal. When cervical, thoracic or lumbar subluxations are present correct them first. Wait a few minutes to allow the nerve system to adjust, then correct the Anterior Dorsal. When there is a question if it is okay to perform this correction, muscle test to see if it is okay to perform this correction. A positive test will give the confidence to perform this correction.


1. Have student lay on stomach with arms down to the sides. When there is no face hole in the massage table, the head may be turned to either side.

2. Before the adjustment, massage the muscles in the thoracic area, along both sides of the spine, approximately 1" to 1 1/2" out from the center of the spine to relax the back muscles for an easier adjustment (see illustration Fig A at bottom of page).

3. To prepare for the correction, approach student from the top of their head looking down their body. To find the exact area to place your hands, push your middle finger flat, down the center of thoracic area of the spine. Start just below the neck moving your finger down to the end of the thoracic vertebrae. When a slight dip is felt, place the side of your hands parallel on both sides of the spine, approximately 1" out from the center. Edge of hands are not to touch the spine so when you apply pressure, you are not pushing on the spine. Have fingers and thumbs touching for stability (see illustration Fig B at bottom of page).


4. Have student inhale, then exhale and wiggle their fingers when all the air is released from the lungs. When all of the air has been released, push down with a short, sharp thrust applying about 50 PSI pressure with a quick release. You will be using the rib cage as a ‘springboard’ to release the vertebrae which allows them to move back into their proper position. Do the correction fast enough as to not take the breath away. When the spine and the rib cage move back into place, the student may experience a popping sound as the muscle and bones adapt to their new position. When done properly with a quick release, there will be no trauma to the student. This will release the sympathetic nervous system, allowing energy to flow properly down the back.

5. Re-test.

6. It is important to perform the Respiration Assistance exercise after the correction. See Book II pages 85-87 for instructions. This will help to re-establish the proper Cerebrospinal Fluid flow again down the spine.

7. Finish the correction by lightly 'scratching' the upper back area with your fingertips.Then wipe flats of hand down the spine twice to help realign the correct patterns of the sympathetic nervous system to allow energy to flow down the spine again. This will affect the air passages to the lungs, dilating them so more oxygen is taken into the body.


When the area is muscular and tight, the correction may be difficult to perform. If necessary, apply moist hot packs to relax and release the muscles involved so realignment can be accomplished with more ease.


After the correction, have student turn over to their side and push themselves up with their hands when exiting the table. Caution them not to rise using a “pushup” movement with their hands, which could cause the correction to go back out of place again.


There may be some soreness after the correction, requiring some massage of the sore muscles involved, to work out the tightness. An increase of circulation will be noticed in the area when the sympathetic nervous system is released.


One of the results of an Anterior Dorsal is shallow breathing. Because of the pressure of the tilted rib cage, the lungs cannot expand to their fullest potential. Since they operate in a vacuum, they will actually start to shrink. After the correction, the pressure on the lungs will be released. So it is important to start practicing deep, full breathing patterns again to expand and re-establish the full capacity of the lungs. To learn how to breath properly (maybe for the first time in your life). It is important to become mindful of your breathing patterns. This is a wonderful way to start to take your power back.


Regular corrections may be necessary until the muscles are strong enough to hold the body in its proper corrected position and permanent relief is felt. The longer the Anterior Dorsal has been out of alignment, the harder it will be to correct and to keep corrected.


Because of the large area involved, the Anterior Dorsal can be difficult to keep in place, especially with active or young people. The student must adapt and develop a new lifestyle until the thoracic muscles are strengthened enough to hold the body in alignment. Do not go for long periods without eating. It is suggested to eat more timely, at least a healthy snack every two hours. Encourage them not to bend over backwards or reach around behind. Do not twist the spine, but rather turn from the pelvis. Do not force shoulders back. Avoid over-extended lifting of heavy objects, as in picking up a child or exercise weights. These activities will stress the thoracic area and cause it to pop back out of place. Certain yoga positions, riding horses, playing tennis and other sporting activities can put stress on the upper back.


Certain activities will be beneficial to strengthen and reinforce the correction, such as laying on stomach with a large pillow or rubber ball under the rib cage. Deep general massage will help to strengthen the muscles that hold the curve of the spine and the rib cage in it’s new position. Stimulation of the Spleen/Pancreas system (see Book I , pages 45 and 46 for instructions) will also strengthen the area.


Associated Conditions


Main cause of asthma and diabetes. Noisy breathing. Wheezing. Snoring. Breathing through the mouth a lot. Shortness of breath, especially with increased activity. Shallow breathing. Running out of air. Increased mucus in general, especially in the lung area. Common “cold”. Sinus problems. A deep itch at the indicated area on the back. Connected to carpel tunnel syndrome. Going for long periods of time without eating. Use of stimulants. Craving sweets. Addictions to anything, especially sugar. Addicting personality. Excess energy in the Spleen/Pancreas meridian. Sore Latisimus Dorsi muscle. Dropped or drooped shoulder(s). Slouching. Feeling ungrounded. Long difficult birth, especially when instruments are used.

Fig A

Fig B

Fig C

Fig D

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