Cross Crawl

How to organize your coordination
Electrical impulses pass between the two hemispheres of the brain. They must get back and forth to coordinate body functions. When this energy becomes blocked, the female and the male are not flowing in sequence together. When this energy is connected and equally balanced within each individual, we will have equality between the sexes.
The reflex observed in action while walking is not always totally functional. Inadequate development is associated with poor crawling techniques or experiences during infancy. The nervous organization to coordinate the balanced walking movement is a learned behavior pattern related with cerebral connections that affect other fields of activity, such as language, reading, hand-to-eye coordination. It even affects the perception and conceptualization of sidedness. The perception of sidedness is required to tell mirror images apart, such as the "b" from the "d" in the alphabet, and this ability is dependent upon the strength of your cross-crawl integration. It is also very important in education and communication.
In today's high tech world, dyslexia (seeing or saying words backwards) is a common problem, especially for children. The ability to read is essential, but the person with dyslexia sees things backwards and cannot read. One literally cannot tell right from left.
Cross-crawl dysfunction is associated with the following:
Learning disabilities
Lack of coordination
Inability or difficult to read
No concept of balance
Seeing or saying words backwards
Dropping objects
Tripping a lot
The correcting procedure is an education program to improve nervous system organization. The exercise causes the brain to send the signal down the correct channel to reorganize and repattern the energy of the brain by activity. It affords the opportunity to go back to the crawling stage to lock in the correct pattern of energy in the brain. The more a person needs cross-crawl, the more difficult it will be to perform.
This brain-eye exercise can most easily be done in a supine position. Put both legs straight and place both arms down at the sides. This technique may also be done standing or sitting.
Raise and elevate the right arm above the head, at the same time raise the opposite leg, bending the knee.
Repattern by turning the head towards the raised right arm. Then straighten the head as the arm and left leg come down.
Repeat procedure with left arm & opposite right leg, turning head towards the raised left arm.
Breathe in as the opposite arm and leg raise, exhale as the arm and leg come down. Do in series of 12 right and 12 left for a total of 24 movements. Visualize marching.

Walking, even in place is a good way to understand the reflex and to tone it. When you identify with any of these associated conditions it is suggested that the repatterning procedure be repeated 50 to 100 times daily. This is a perfect opportunity to practice discipline.
What to expect when the cross-crawl is balanced
Improved learning and reading abilities
Better coordination
More confidence
More balance in your life
Cross Crawl
Cross Crawl

Self Cross Crawl